With NCINGA CEO Imal Kalutotage, being part of the committee of “CCC Council for Startups” the local entrepreneur is guaranteed to get a wealth of knowledge from his vast experience. As an added bonus the “Four Cs” – (Courage, Creativity, Credibility and Care)”which are the core values of NCINGA, is sure to provide a launching pad for new entrepreneurs to achieve economic development via efficient utilization of scarcely used human resources, natural resources and capital, which strongly aligns with the views taken by the newly established council. Furthermore, the burning issues faced by new entrepreneurs today will be addressed by utilizing the expert knowledge and skill at hand in order to create a more sustainable and efficient startup network.
The aspiring new local entrepreneurs can look forward to an interesting future ahead with NCINGA, lending them a hand through this initiative with their fullest support and cooperation.
As they say,
“Sky is not the limit. It’s just the beginning.”